Thursday, December 3, 2009

EU-Ukraine Summit

The thirteenth summit between the EU and Ukraine will take place in Kiev on 4 December.

The EU and Ukraine hold a joint summit once a year. It takes place in the autumn and is held alternately in Ukraine and the country holding the Presidency of the EU. The meeting in the second half of 2009, the thirteenth of its kind, will be held in Ukraine.

The political dialogue between the EU and Ukraine is also conducted through foreign minister meetings (twice a year), the Parliamentary Cooperation Committee (twice a year) and the Cooperation Council (once a year). This framework is established in accordance with the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement of 1994, on which the political dialogue between the UK and Ukraine is based. The EU and Ukraine also meet several times a year at senior official level.

The EU will also be represented by Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt and President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso. The Ukrainian delegation will be led by President Viktor Jusjtjenko.

The summit will address broad relations and cooperation between the EU and Ukraine. Particular importance will be given to the issues of climate change, energy and the management of the economic and financial crisis. In addition, the EU’s Eastern Partnership and current international issues will be discussed.

Meetings are also planned with Prime Minister Julia Tymosjenko and leader of the opposition Viktor Janukovytj.

Programme points:
11.30 Summit opens.
Place: Presidential palace

13.30 Summit press conference. Family photograph.
Place: Presidential palace

Please note that special accreditation is required. Please contact Markus Nordström at the Prime Minister's Office by Tuesday, 1 December at the latest.

Press Release: Swedish Presidency of the European Union

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